Student strike for climate 20 Sept

Student strike for climate 20 Sept

We are in the thick of the climate crisis. Yet we just elected a Government that wants to open the floodgates to new coal, oil and gas projects that put all of us at risk. We are already hurting from the impacts of climate change. If we don’t act now to transition...
It started with one person!

It started with one person!

If, as a young person, you think your voice doesn’t count or isn’t being heard you’re wrong! The rise of the Student Strike for Climate over the last few months shows that your voice is as important as anyone else’s, and what’s more...
Students strike for Climate Action

Students strike for Climate Action

The movement is growing faster than you can say ‘Stop Adani’! Students around the world are rising up and letting the past generation know there is no future without climate action. Dates are varied depending on location. You can find a striking group near...