Ocean Youth Sunny Coast Alumna Brylee Robinson is on a mission to help the thousands of creatures that get caught in shark nets each year. Shark nets have caught thousands of marine creatures; whales, seals, dugong, rays, turtles, dolphins, the list goes on and on. The idea is that putting short lengths of nets in the water, it’ll help keep swimmers safe.
In NSW the nets are deployed from Wollongong up to the north coast, from September to April each year. In Queensland nets are deployed all along the coast, all year round. The death toll of innocent marine creatures is significant.
Many of our Ocean Youth Ambassadors feel strongly about protecting all the amazing creatures that call the ocean home. And Brylee is no exception.
Help Brylee bring attention to the horrific toll the nets take by signing and sharing her petition. Link to petition here. We need to keep the pressure on to get the nets out, now.