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Claudette RechtorikOffline

    • One of my deepest passions other than the Ocean, is film-making and photography. After having picked up a camera 6+ years ago the incredible range of opportunities that have come my way has been incredible. So grateful to have had the opportunity to create this film for World Oceans Day 2019 on behalf of my school! Check it out, along with my…Read More

      • You’re such an inspiration Nicola! As I’ve mentioned to Jessica, we love finding ways to support change maker rockstars like yourself. Would you be happy for us to use your images in our marketing collateral and social media with credit to you? We’re so keen to help our Ocean Youth ambassadors build their profile and amplify their voice. It’s why…

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        • Hi there Claudette!
          I am 100% happy with that, it would be my absolute pleasure for you to use any of my images/film.
          Iā€™d love to help out in any way,shape or form!
          If anything comes up that I may be of assistance etc. please feel free to contact me, as helping out and creating is what I live for!
          Thanks so much for these inspiring
          ,kind w…

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    • Profile picture of Nicola Tsiolis
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      13 Members
    • [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’Diving into a positive future – Catholic Ladies College’ image=”]
      Passionate about young voices being heard on the environment, CLC student, Nicola Tsiolis, has been selected as an Ocean Youth Ambassador. [/bpfb_link]

    • @emily_brown Welcome to Ocean Youth online šŸ˜€ You can edit your profile and add image and cover image to get started. Also join groups for discussion points or start your own. Any questions please reach out to the team @claudetterechtorik @kaseyturner or myself. Have fun and welcome again ❤️

    • @abbey_mcf Welcome to OY online. You can get started by customising your profile to include a profile picture and cover image. Any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to myself @claudetterechtorik or @kaseyturner . So excited to have you here!!!

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