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Emma FergusonOffline

  • Australia
  • Tasmania

The Secchi Disk Study

Climate change is threatening the phytoplankton that underpins the marine food chain. We must understand why before it’s too late. Help collect essential data by taking part in this vital citizen science study.

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Match My Mola!

Match My Mola! is our sunfish photo online submission form, which adds to the offline Bali Sunfish Photo Identification Catalogue. This Catalogue was started in 2013 and is now an ever increasing collection of sunfish photographs and data. The Data collected from this catalogue is useful for species identification, identifying and recognising individuals and assessing […]

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Australian Marine Debris Database

The Australian Marine Debris Database was created to enable volunteers and organisations who were running beach clean-up events to also collect data on what they were finding with a consistent methodology so it could be collated into a standardised national database on marine debris. Since 2004 more than 7 million pieces of data have been […]

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Litter Intelligence

We cannot improve what we do not measure. Litter Intelligence is a long-term programme that collects litter data, provides powerful insights about the problem, and inspires widespread action for solutions. Led by New Zealand charity Sustainable Coastlines, the programme works in close collaboration with the Ministry for the Environment, Department of Conservation and Statistics New […]

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Marine Metre Squared

The Marine Metre Squared (Mm2) project has been developed by the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre, Department of Marine Science, University of Otago. The aim of the project is to encourage communities to get involved in long-term monitoring of the seashore, to raise awareness of biodiversity and changes in the marine environment, and build links […]

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The Secchi Disk Study

Match My Mola!

Australian Marine Debris Database
