Ocean Youth inNOVATIOn education
Youth focused innovation education for human and ocean health.
There has never been a greater focus on the health of our ocean.
And the research is conclusive…we need to improve ocean literacy
and innovation skills so we can secure the future health of our blue
life support system.
Ocean Youth in Action is a term long ocean innovation education program that provides educational resources and mentoring for young people to develop ocean literacy, problem solving and systems thinking skills to address the sustainability challenges we all face.
Over one term, students will learn of the wicked challenges the ocean faces, why it is important for us to address them, systems and design thinking to understand how everything is connected to create unique solutions that can be adopted by their communities.
We work with schools to deliver curriculum aligned ocean innovation and systems thinking education that is transferable to any number of work and life-related contexts. We use real world, authentic content to create sustainable solutions that can be shared so we can turn the tide on ocean health.
Teacher support
We understand that not all teachers are comfortable teaching content that is new or they are unfamiliar with. We’ve got you. Our team of marine and education specialists will provide online support so you can breathe easy.
Teaching resources
We use real world, authentic content to create engaging resources for learning about our ocean and what we all need to do to secure its healthy future. Learning about our ocean is fundamental to understanding ourselves.
Student mentoring
We support students via online sessions to understand systems thinking, problem ideation, and how to pitch ideas. Young people can create amazing solutions that once they understand the issue. For us, this is the best part.
Industry access
Our team has an incredible network of environmental, sustainability, marine and aquatic professionals to draw upon to test ideas, build specific skills and gain insights into the jobs and skills in our blue, green & clean economies.
I really enjoyed learning how to create new and innovative ways to solve oceanic problems for Australian marine life.
I would like to see more ocean-focused school-based programs. We should all be learning how to protect our ocean. It is the reason there is life on earth.
I learnt a lot of new information, particularly information that surprised me, and realised the true extent of the issues. I know what I can do to make more sustainable choices for the ocean. will also go home and talk to my parents about these issues and what they can do.
Check out Generation Ocean, below, based on Ocean Youth Summit 2024. Filmed by Bachelor of Communications students at Uni of Western Sydney.